Sunday, 12 May 2013

SREIT 101 - Part 1

Every Sunday, I will try to discuss different investment products or educational materials to educate and improve the investment knowledge for every one. For the first Sunday "educational" series, we will look at something close to my heart, Singapore Real Estate Investment Trust. (SREIT)

What is SREIT?

Basically SREIT stands for Singapore Real Estate Investment Trust.

It is a trust whereby a portfolio of real estates/properties is being listed on the SGX itself.

SREIT usually distribute at least 90% of their income to unitholders so as to enjoy tax concession from the Singapore authority.

As such, SREIT usually provides a stable and recurring dividend to their unitholders.

Why do developer list their portfolio of properties as REIT?

The reason why the big developers (the like of Keppel Land, Mapletree Investment, Capitaland and etc) decides to list their properties as REIT are as follow:

Recycling on capital. By listing the properties as a REIT, the developer can effective liquidate the assets, unlocking the value and deleverage their balance sheet. With the cash proceed from the listing, the developers will have more bullet (ie cash) to grow their business. In addition, the REIT will also become their future investment vehicles whereby they can just inject the asset into the REIT for capital recycle.

- Retain majority share holding of the REIT & continue to benefit from the stable cash flow. Usually, the developers retain a sizable holding on the REIT so that it can retain the benefit of the cash payout of the REIT. With this sizable holdings, they are usually known as the sponsor of the REIT as effectively they provide an "implicit" guarantee to the REIT.

- Ability to earn a fee income on managing the REIT. The sponsor will eventually become the asset manager of the REIT and this provide the sponsor with another sources of stable management fee. This is another source of income for the sponsor. 

From my observation, only matured properties are listed as REIT as all the value has been fully enhanced and they are matured enough to generate stable payout for the unitholders

Why invest in SREIT?

Stable and recurring payout. Due to the 90% payout and the strong property market in Asia, SREITs has in generally been paying stable unit distribution/dividend. Thus REITs offer a stable and recurring payout which is largely suitable for a investor who wants to build up their passive income.

Visibility of the asset. Another reason why REITs especially those with high exposure in Singapore properties are being well liked /bid is because of the visibility of the assets. Basically as a local you know the assets and it is easy for you to see and feel them. Thus the easy understanding of the properties and business model results to a huge following and buying activities in the SREITs.

Implicit guarantee from sponsor. In addition, some of the biggest SREITs listed are by well known local developers. With the strong sponsorship of this well known company, it provides a sense of comfort due to the implicit guarantee the sponsor provides.

Understanding and Investing in SREIT

Net Asset Value

Net Asset Value is basically:

(Total Asset, valued at Market Value - Total liabilities)/(Total number of outstanding share)


A company with investment properties of 100K book value, market value of 120K.

With a total liabilities of 60K and have outstanding number share of 6K.

Thus NAV = (120k - 60K)/6K = 10/share

Taking the example above, if the share price of the REIT is 11, the REIT is trading at a premium of 1.

If share price of REIT is 8, the REIT is trading at a discount of 2.

Theoretically, a REIT trading at a premium is considered overvalued as you are paying 1 dollar extra for a NAV of 10 where a REIT trading at a discount is considered undervalued as you are paying 2 dollar less for a NAV of 10.

Dividend Yield

Dividend Yield = Project Annual Payout/Price of REIT

As the REIT is mandated to pay out at least 90% of the cash, it is seem as a form of stable dividend play. 

Type of REIT

REITS are usually classified into the various form:

Retail - Shopping mall 
Industrial - Warehouse, logistics and industrial parks
Office - Offices building
Residential - Residential housing
Hospitality - Hotels or hospital 

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