Saturday 27 July 2013

New IPO Coverage - Rex International Holding Limited (Rex)

From Company's Prospectus

1. Business Operation

Independent oil and gas exploration and production (E&P) company with a set of proprietary exploration technologies (“Rex Technologies”). Scheduled to be listed on the Catalist, Rex is a small cap independent oil and gas E&P company with a set of proprietary exploration technologies - Rex Technologies. This is the 2nd E&P company listed on the SGX after the recent stellar performance of Mainboard's KrisEnergy.

Rex Technologies

From Company's Prospectus

Developed by the founders. Rex Technologies were developed by the founders of Rex Partners Ltd, Dr Karl Ligren and Mr Hans Lidgen, It comprises 3 key proprietary and innovative exploration technologies: Rex Gravity, Rex Seepage and Rex Virtual Drilling.

From Company's Prospectus

REX claims its high success ratio compared to the peers. According to the prospectus, Rex Technologies were 100% accurate in its predictions based on the 18 external tests conducted over the last 24 months. The worldwide success ratios in exploration drilling using Rex Technologies is estimated to be in excess of 50%, and Rex's Directors are of the opinion that this is much higher than the estimated average world wide and industry-wide success ratio of 10% to 15%. NOTE: Theoretically, this sound wonderful and exciting. However, I have my doubt see 5. Investment Risk.

New Start up firm with first production expected in 4Q13. Rex is a relatively young start up, incorporated only in 11 Jan 2013. Rex recently commenced a 80-well onshore drilling in the United States (7May13) and plans to drill two offshore wells in its Oman concession in late 2013 as well as the first well in each of its other two offshore concessions in the Middle East in 2014.

From Company's Prospectus

Geographically diversified concessions at more stable regulatory regimes than KrisEnergy. Rex has a diversified geographic concession  in Middle East, Norway and USA. Comparing this with KrisEnergy, these areas are considered more stable regulatory regimes. 

From Company's Prospectus

The table below provides a detailed breakdown on its concession:

From Company's Prospectus

2. Use of Proceeds

From Company's Prospectus

Note: Most of the proceed (S$36m) will be funded to its drilling expenses. It basically means that you are betting on the company's ability to achieve high success rate in its drilling. 

3. Financial Highlights

Offering price of S$0.50 represents 229.2% premium above the Net Tangible Asset (NTA). At an offering price of S$0.50, investor are paying 229.2% premium above its NTA. Thus the huge premium is equivalent to the growth potential you are paying for the company.

From Company's Prospectus

Offering price is 20% higher to pre-IPO investor. From table below, the offering price is 20% higher to the pre-IPO investors. I think this is fair given that they are taking more risk.  

From Company's Prospectus

Don't expect dividend anytime soon. Do note that Rex is a new start up and investor should not expect any dividend within the foreseeable future unless their production start stabilizing.

Financial Statements is similar to a new start-up company. Nothing unusual on its financial statement. Pretty common for a new start-up company.

From Company's Prospectus - Income Statement

From Company's Prospectus - Balance Sheet

From Company's Prospectus - Cash Flow

4. Investment Highlights

Pure growth play. Like I mention above, Rex is a pure growth play. Unlike KrisEnergy which already has existing producing fields, Rex only starts its first concession in May 2013. Thus basically you are betting on the company ability to deliver on all its promises. This is really a case of high risk, higher reward.

Geographic diversified concession with stable regulatory regime. This is definitely one of the highlight investing in this company. It has a geographic diversified portfolio and they are all in stable regulatory regime. Thus you can be sure that the company is not dealing with some dodgy 3rd world countries (the likes of some Africa and Latam countries) whereby you are exposed to high political risk.   

Ability to enter into partnership  deals. Rex prides that they are able to get into strong partnerships with strategic partners. Well, to a certain extent, this is definitely a strength, given that being a new company, more established guys are willing to believe in them to form a partnership deals. Nevertheless, I don't think it is anything to shout about as they are not the major oil & gas players (e.g. Exxon, Shell & etc).

From Company's Prospectus

5. Investment Risk

Rex Technologies might be over-hyped. So according to the Prospectus, it mentioned that Rex Technologies has a higher-than-average success ratio and it delivered 100% accurate predictions based on 18 external tests conducted over the last 24 months. Well unless you believe that 18 is a big sample size, this type of so-called tests is always subjected to statistical basis. So, unless they are able to give me a HUGE sample size, I would not buy the number easily.

Why do an IPO if their technology is so good and accurate? Again, this baffle me. If Rex is such a good growth story, why IPO the company to raise equity. Recall your Finance 101, equity is ALWAYS an expensive cost of capital. If the success ratio is so high, they could easily project its cash flow and go to the bank to borrow debt. Debt is cheaper and it will provide them with leverage too. By doing so and getting the production online and stabilize, I believe they can get an even higher IPO valuation!!

If I can think of that, why can't they. It makes me wonder if it is because the banks don't buy their story that's why they come out to issue equity.

Note: I need to disclaim a bit on this argument. It might sound a bit too extreme, but at, I will do this. I think it is my duty to point out all the risk factors. As per Murphy's law, anything that can go wrong will go wrong.

Management lacks the track record compared to KrisEnergy. With all due respect, I think the management are all great and capable guys. It's not easy to IPO a company, I'm not even sure if I can even do that. But unlike the KrisEnergy guys, the Rex's management lacks the track record. You should know I'm a firm believer of good management. Thus, I will need to monitor and access them myself as the time goes on to conclude on this. 

6. Technical Analysis

On the back of the stellar performance of KrisEnergy, I would say the bid for oil & gas E&P guys might be good.

Nevertheless, the stabilizing manager this time round is not CLSA but UOB Kay Hian. Thus I think the technical bid for this company will only at most be fair.

7. Conclusion

The recent IPO action has been doing pretty well and flippers should be in the money. (with the exception of OUE H-Trust which I was never a big fan for flipping it, see my article below)

Thus, investors will ask if they should do a flip on Rex?

Personally, I will be staying away from it this time round. My strategy is take a break and see how bullish & strong the IPO market really is.

Nevertheless on a fundamental perspective, Rex represents a high risk and higher return stock. If you believe the company can deliver on their production level, go in and GRAB it. If not, it is safer to stay away from such a risky investment.

Personally, at offer price of S$0.50, I will not be overly excited. However, if it eventually drop to around the pre-IPO investors' level of S$0.40, I might then go in to add some. I'm targeting the S$0.40 level, as I believe this is the "correct level" where the smart money (the pre-IPO guys) values the company. Thus, just follow the smart money =)

8. Timetable

From Company's Prospectus

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